Someone Needs Your Prayer

We have lifted up requests to the Lord over 3452 times to date! The Lord is truly working through our prayer ministry! Please continue to pray without ceasing!  1Thessalonians 5:17

General prayers
Submitted By:Julian Perezchica
Prayer Request:Please, pray for everything against me be undone. From spiritual warfare to everything and everything concerning me. And please for the Lord to give me sustained deliverance, give me all the desires of my heart that aren't sinful, purity, sound mind, absolute relief from all afflictions, healing in every way, treat others how i want to be treated in every way only, absolute mercy, life restored how i'd like and be sustained forever in this moment and so much peace for myself and loved ones and my many unspoken prayer requests be answered over us. And we not go thru trials to attain blessings.